Edmund Duan - Powercast Harvester testing

My name is Eddie Duan and I am a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Iowa State University.
Currently, I have an interest in circuit design and automation.
Jacob Bernardi - MCU testing

My name is Jacob Bernardi and I am a senior in electrical engineering at Iowa State University.
I am interested in semiconductor testing and validation.
Douglas Zuercher - Transceiver testing

My name is Douglas Zuercher and I am a senior in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University. I enjoy studying analog integrated circuits, working on electrical projects, and building solar cars in my free time.
Kwanghum Park - MCU testing

My name is Kwanghum Park. I am a senior majoring in electrical engineering at Iowa State Unversity.
I am interested in circuit design and this project has given me an opportunity to apply this interest and my skills.
Bryce Staver - Powercast Harvester testing

My name is Bryce Staver. I am a senior in electrical engineering at Iowa State University.
In my spare time I enjoy riding my bike on and off road. I also enjoy carving wood sculptures, such as chess
pieces and different animals.
I also enjoy walking through nature and am looking forward to visiting some national parks and other places after college.
As far as school goes, my favorite subject so far has been microwave RF engineering and this is my chosen specialty at ISU.
Zacharias Komodromos - Transceiver testing

My name is Zack! I am a senior in Electrical Engineering and plan on going to graduate school.
My area of interest is Communications and Signal Processing.